十大娱乐彩票平台和见解 / 十大娱乐彩票平台和股票发布 / 泰来斯特公司: Notice to the 周年股东大会

泰来斯特公司: Notice to the 周年股东大会

2024年3月6日下午17:00.m. 缺钱



特雷斯特公司(以下简称“公司”)的股东特此受邀出席将于周四举行的年度股东大会, 2024年4月11日下午2点.m. e在208会议室nd Messukeskus,地址:Rautatieläisenkatu 3,芬兰赫尔辛基. 下午1点开始接待已登记参加会议的人士,并提供咖啡服务.m. e.



2 § Calling the meeting to order


4 § Recording the legality of the meeting

5 § Recording the attendance at the meeting and the list of votes

6 § Presentation of the financial statements, the consolidated financial statements, 2023年度的审计报告和董事会报告



8 .关于使用资产负债表上的利润和支付股息的决议

The 董事会 proposes to the General Meeting that no dividend be paid based on the adopted balance sheet for the financial year that ended on 31 December 2023.



董事会建议批准本公司理事机构2023年薪酬报告. 根据《十大可靠彩票平台》,该决议是咨询性质的.

The remuneration report is available on the 公司’s website www.泰来斯特.com/AGM no later than three weeks before the General Meeting.


董事会建议批准本公司理事机构的薪酬政策. 根据《十大可靠彩票平台》,该决议是咨询性质的.

The remuneration policy is available on the 公司's website www.泰来斯特.com/AGM no later than three weeks before the General Meeting.




The 股东’ Nomination Board proposes to the General Meeting that the remuneration of the 董事会 remains unchanged and that the following annual remuneration be paid to the members of the 董事会 to be elected at the General Meeting: EUR 66,000元/年 for the chairman and EUR 33,每位会员每年可获五千元. 担任审计委员会主席的董事会成员的年薪为49欧元,000元/年.

建议从年度薪酬中支付给董事会成员, 40 per cent of the total gross remuneration amount will be used to purchase 泰来斯特公司’s shares for the members of the 董事会 through trading on regulated market organized by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, and the rest will be paid in cash.

不另行向董事会成员或董事会各委员会主席支付会议费用. 每次会议400欧元的会议费将支付给董事会委员会成员参加的那些委员会会议.

14 § Election of members of the 董事会

The 股东’ Nomination Board proposes to the General Meeting that the following current members of the 董事会 be re-elected for the new term of office, 延长至下届年度股东大会结束:Timo Luukkainen, Jussi Himanen, 视频电子设备标准协会Korpimies, Mirel Leino-Haltia and Kai 电话anne. 现任董事会成员海基Mäkijärvi将不再继续担任董事会成员. 股东提名委员会建议选举安妮龙凯宁为新成员.

安妮龙凯宁 (b. 1966, M.Sc. (经济.他是一位经验丰富的董事会专家,擅长数字化转型, 变更管理, 数据和分析, 数字化发展, P / L管理, 和人民, 能力, 以及绩效管理. 她曾在2015-2023年期间担任Kesko Oyj的执行副总裁兼首席数字官, 2008年至2015年期间担任谷歌芬兰国家经理和行业主管, 首席执行官 of McCann Helsinki Group between 2006-2008, 并在Satama芬兰(Satama Interactive)担任多个领导职位。, Publicis-Törmä and Consumer Compass. Ronkainen目前担任Loihde Plc董事会成员, 香港邮政集团公司, 斯莱虽然 & Tikanoja plc, Aallon Group Oyj, Kontiotuote Oy和Fennia Mutual Insurance 公司.

上述所有人士均经评估为独立于本公司及其主要股东, with the exception of Timo Luukkainen and 视频电子设备标准协会Korpimies, who have been assessed to be independent of the 公司 but not of its significant shareholders on the following grounds: Timo Luukkainen acts as the chairman of Tianta Oy’s 董事会 and 视频电子设备标准协会Korpimies acts as the 首席执行官 and member of the 董事会 of Tianta Oy.


15§关于……的决议 核数师薪酬

The 董事会 proposes, in accordance with the 审计 Committee’s recommendation, 审计师的费用将根据公司批准的发票支付.


The 董事会 proposes, in accordance with the 审计 Committee’s recommendation, that PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, 授权会计师 firm, 当选为公司的审计师,任期将持续到下届年度股东大会结束. PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy has informed that Markku Launis, 授权会计师, 如果普华永道被选为公司的审计师,将担任主要负责任的审计师.

如果普华永道会计师事务所 will be elected as the auditor of the 公司, it will also carry out the assurance of the 公司’s sustainability reporting for the financial year 2024 in accordance with the transitional provision of the act changing the Limited Liability Companies Act (1252/2023), 并将根据公司批准的发票支付此项任务的费用.


董事会建议,股东大会应就授权董事会决定最多回购1股股票作出决议,200,000 own shares of the 公司.

The 公司’s own shares shall be repurchased otherwise than in proportion to the holdings of the shareholders by using the non-restricted equity through trading on regulated market organized by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd at the market price prevailing at the time of acquisition.


股份将被回购,用于可能的收购或与公司业务相关的其他安排, 作为投资融资, 支付董事会成员的薪酬,或作为公司激励计划的一部分,或由公司持有, to be conveyed by other means or to be cancelled.


回购授权的有效期为年度股东大会决议之日起十八(18)个月. 回购授权撤销以前授予的回购授权.



  1. 发行新股及/或
  2. conveying the 公司's own shares held by the 公司 and/or
  3. granting special rights referred to in Chapter 10, 《十大可靠彩票平台》第1节规定了以下条款和条件:



-to the 公司's shareholders in proportion to their current shareholdings in the 公司; or

-by waiving the shareholder's pre-emption right, 如果公司有重大的财务原因需要定向发行股票, 例如,在可能的收购或与公司业务相关的其他安排中,将这些股份用作对价, 作为投资融资或使用股份作为公司激励计划的一部分.


Share issue against payment and without payment:

可以发行新股,也可以转让本公司持有的本公司股份 either against payment (“Share Issue Against Payment”) or without payment (“Share Issue Without Payment”). A directed share issue may be a Share Issue Without Payment only if there is an especially weighty financial reason both for the 公司 and with regard to the interests of all shareholders in the 公司.


基于授权, the 董事会 is entitled to decide on the issuance of new shares and/or conveyance of the 公司's own shares held by the 公司 so that a maximum of 2,000,000 shares may be issued and/or conveyed in total.


董事会可以授予第10章所述的特别权利, Section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, 有权收取公司所持有的新股或公司自己的股份. The right may also be granted to the 公司's creditor in such a manner that the right is granted on condition that the creditor's receivable is used to set off the subscription price (“Convertible Bond”).

The maximum number of new shares that may be subscribed and the 公司’s own shares held by the 公司 that may be conveyed by virtue of the special rights granted by the 公司 is 1,000,总共000股, 哪一个数字包括在“最高股份数目”一节所述的最高数目内?.

Recording of the subscription price in the balance sheet:

The subscription price of the new shares and the consideration payable for the conveyed 公司's own shares shall be recorded under the invested non-restricted equity fund.



授权有效期自年度股东大会决议之日起十八(18)个月. 本授权撤销先前授予的决定发行股票和股票特别权利的授权.

19 .会议结束


此通知, 其中包括大会议程上的全部决议提案, is available on 泰来斯特公司’s website at www.泰来斯特.com/AGM 公司总部地址:电话estenkatu 1, 20660 Littoinen, 芬兰. 泰来斯特公司’s financial statements, consolidated financial statements, the report of the 董事会, 最迟于2024年3月14日可在上述网站查阅核数师报告、薪酬报告及薪酬政策. 上述文件也可在股东大会上获得. 股东大会的会议记录最迟将于2024年4月25日在上述网站上提供.


1. 股东 registered in the shareholders’ register

Each shareholder who is registered on the record date of the General Meeting on 2024年3月28日 in the shareholders' register of the 公司 held by Euroclear 芬兰 Ltd has the right to participate in the General Meeting. 股东的股份登记在他/她的个人芬兰记帐账户上,登记在公司的股东名册上.

一个股东 who is registered in the 公司’s shareholders’ register and wishes to participate in the General Meeting shall register for the meeting no later than on Thursday, 2024年4月4日, 早上10点.m. (e),公司必须在此之前收到注册. The shareholder may register for the General Meeting:

  1. 通过公司网站 www.泰来斯特.com/AGM;

个人将通过网上银行凭证或手机身份证等强有力的电子身份登录该系统. 法人实体将需要股东的记帐账户号码以及企业ID或其他识别代码才能登录. If a legal entity is using Suomi.fi e-Authorization, 被授权人的登记需要强有力的电子身份证明,包括网上银行凭证或手机身份证.

  1. 通过电子邮件 投资者.relations@泰来斯特.com; or
  2. 电话:+358(0)2 2605 611(星期一至五上午九时至下午九时).m. 和4p.m. 芬兰的时间).

In connection with the registration, a shareholder shall notify his/her name, 出生日期, address, 电话号码和电子邮件地址以及可能的助理或代理代表的姓名和代理代表的出生日期. The personal data given to 泰来斯特公司 is used only in connection with the General Meeting and with the processing of thereto related necessary registrations.

一个股东, his/her representative or proxy representative shall, 对需求, 能够证明他/她的身份和/或有权在会议地点代表.

2. Holders of nominee registered shares

A holder of nominee registered shares has the right to participate in the General Meeting by virtue of the shares based on which he/she on the record date of the General Meeting, 2024年3月28日, 是否有权在Euroclear芬兰有限公司持有的公司股东名册上登记. The right to participate in the General Meeting requires, 除了, that the shareholder on the basis of such shares has been temporarily registered into the shareholders’ register held by Euroclear 芬兰 Ltd at the latest by 8 April 2024 by 10 a.m. 关于代名记名股份,这构成股东大会的到期登记.

A holder of nominee registered shares is advised without delay to request necessary instructions regarding the temporary registration in the shareholders’ register of the 公司, 代理文件和投票指示的签发,以及其托管银行对股东大会的登记. 托管银行的客户经理必须登记一个代名记名股票的持有人, who wants to participate in the 周年股东大会, 最迟在上述时间临时记入公司股东名册.

3. Proxy representative and powers of attorney


A proxy representative shall produce a dated proxy document or otherwise in a reliable manner demonstrate his/her right to represent the shareholder at the General Meeting. 代理文件的模板可在公司网站(网址 www.泰来斯特.com/AGM. Should a shareholder participate in the meeting by means of several proxy representatives representing the shareholder with shares in different book-entry accounts, 每名代理代表所代表股东的股份,应在登记时予以确定.

任何代理文件均须以正本形式寄交特莱斯特公司, 投资者关系, P.O. 323箱, FI-20101,芬兰图尔库 or 通过电子邮件 to 投资者.relations@泰来斯特.com before the end of the registration period. In addition to the delivery of proxy documents, 股东或其代理代表应确保本通知所述的股东大会登记.

股东 that are legal entities may also, as an alternative to traditional proxy authorization documents, 使用电子Suomi.Fi授权服务,用于授权其代理代表. The representative is mandated in the Suomi.无线上网服务.芬兰语.fi/电子授权(使用授权主题“在股东大会上的代表”). 在公司网站的股东大会服务中注册股东大会时, 授权代表应当通过强电子认证进行身份证明, after which the electronic mandate is automatically verified. For more information on the electronic authorizations, see www.芬兰语.fi / e-authorizations.

4. 其他信息

The language of the meeting is Finnish.

一个股东 present at the General Meeting has a right to ask questions at the General Meeting about matters on the agenda of the meeting in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Finnish Companies Act.

Changes in the share ownership after the record date of the General Meeting do not affect the right to participate in the General Meeting or the shareholder’s number of votes.

On the date of the notice to the General Meeting, 泰来斯特公司 has a total of 18,985,588 shares representing an equal number of votes. 2024年3月6日, the 公司 has a total of 747,026 .拥有其持有的不能在年度股东大会上投票的股份.






Esa Harju

电话ephone: +358 (0)2 2605 611

泰勒斯特提供综合的产品和服务组合,使建立和运行一个更好的网络社会成为可能. Our solutions bring television and broadband services to you, 确保您在公共场所的安全,并指导您使用公共交通工具. With solid industry experience and drive for innovations, we are a leading international company in broadband, security and information technologies and related services. 十大可靠彩票平台通过遍布全球的办事处和合作伙伴网络与客户建立联系. In 2023, 电话este's net sales reached EUR 151.3 million and it had approximately 800 employees. 电话este is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.泰来斯特.com.