Overcoming the challenge of getting MDU homes connected with fibre

In their quest of getting multi-dwelling unit (MDU) homes connected, 运营商在网络建设中面临着许多挑战, not least of which being the first challenge on selecting the appropriate building strategy for their building stock. MDU有不同的形状和大小,比如低矮的, high rise, double units, 公寓,甚至是商业客户. So, 你需要考虑的关键点是什么, and can you have a product solution that scales to all use cases?


Modern buildings usually have better support for cabling and if built today, you most probably end up having the homes fibered up already at the build stage. While doing this, it is good to keep in mind that you would like to build a fibre network solution that enables fast and easy connecting of end customers when they order the service, 除非你直接和房主签约. 即使在新版本上有很多需要考虑的地方, the real challenge is to get the existing building stock connected.

A good opportunity would be to align the network upgrade in parallel with any other building upgrade project, 但这些可能不在你的光纤计划中. It is also possible that not all inhabitants are ready to take the new fibre service, 这样可以节省成本, 如果你只完成了那些拿它的构建. In which case you would benefit from completing the network build only to the drop point, from where you can have fast and easy connection of customers later when they order the service.

Same topics apply also to traditional single operator or multi-operator and point-to-point or point-to-multipoint architectures. 视适用法律而定, core network characteristics and the approach taken by the building owner, one could consider equipping the building with fibre network supporting multi-operator approach from the beginning. At minimum this approach would give scalability for future use and upgrade plans.

Several options are available on your strategy to get building networks established. Modern high-rise buildings support infrastructure with proper technical spaces including riser cable solutions. The semi-detached or small MDU’s may not support any usable technical space to route cables out of sight, 所以你需要考虑哪一个是更好的选择, 在室内或室外布线. The location of the network distribution point for sure has some significance to the decision making over these options, 特别是如果你有现有的管道可供使用. One may even consider installing microducts to the full building and benefit from push/blown installations later on.


当进入公寓时, simple connectivity is what you should look for as you would like to minimize the visits and time spent at end customer homes. If your fibre or ducting is not already built all the way to the end user apartment, 很明显,你需要以某种方式进入公寓. Usually this is through the wall either from the corridor, or from outside. Pre-connectorised cabling gives you fast plug and play connectivity options, especially when equipped with field assembled connectors designed to enter through small apertures. 如果你已经有了微管道系统, you can benefit from the easy to use pre-connectorised push/blown solutions. These can be also delivered in a simple install kit with factory prepared fibre termination or wall outlet.

When coming into apartments, you would look for a swift visit. You would like to have an installation kit, which is already prepared in advance to your needs. Splicing in the apartments is not recommended for two reasons. First, laying out the equipment, preparing fibre and making the final splice takes considerable time. Second, 切割后的纤维部分有掉落的危险, 这些可能会在孩子或宠物身上出现.  A simple solution allowing you locate your termination point in a suitable location close to power sockets would be useful, 尤其是在较大的公寓里. 当将ONT连接到终端时, you do not want to see a mess of cables going out from your unit but would prefer a solution with built-in cable organizer or even a fully covered solution.


To summarise, there are several things you should take into consideration when deciding your approach to get your building stock of MDU connected with fibre. The direction depends highly on the construction of buildings you target to get connected and the approach taken to reach the end customer homes to complete the service. It is easy to say that the product solution you look for on your passive build will benefit on wide scalability and multiuse approaches and should also support plug and play connectivity with pre-assemblies and install kits. 你能有一个适用于所有情况的产品解决方案吗? At least you can have wide enough product portfolio giving you the required items to build your solution!  

Teleste is dedicated to helping operators navigate their unique challenges with our advanced FTTx passive solutions, 为MDU光纤部署量身定制. Our recently updated enclosures exemplify our commitment to innovation—compact, easy to install, 并设计满足现代需求的可用性, durability, 环境十大娱乐彩票平台. Built with flexibility in mind, our solutions adapt seamlessly to various building sizes and types. Additionally, 他们支持你分阶段的网络建设, from access or in-building networks to customer connections and in-home networks.

Ready to enhance your building stock with Teleste’s cutting-edge solutions? Contact us 今天和发现完美适合您的需求.

Sami Lallukka

Sami Lallukka

作为泰勒斯特公司的光无源主管, I’m passionate about  delivering product solutions for FTTx networks. See my LinkedIn.


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