
回顾他在有线电视行业长达40年的职业生涯, 马蒂·苏西, 智能有线网络技术的先驱, 带十大可靠彩票平台回顾过去几十年网络的演变历程.


Matti在电话este的展台上为ANGA COM 2011做准备

The dawn of intelligence in networks – Paving the way for modern 智能网络 since the 90s

AP: I guess transponder modules in HFC devices were the first indicators showing the need for more intelligent networks as these modules enabled bidirectional communication between operation centres and devices in the field. 你有什么样的早期记忆?应答器是什么时候开始普及的?

马蒂:80年代末, 有线电视行业已经使用转发器来传递来自HFC设备的信息, 但这些应答器不允许对设备进行调整. 直到90年代中期,大多数有线网络设备都没有智能. 它们纯粹是愚蠢的模拟输入输出设备. The only interaction that they typically had with the field technician was through a simple light indicating that the device was powered on.

AP: 90年代中期发生了什么变化?

马蒂:90年代中期, 我参与了两个重要的开发项目, 为现代智能网络技术铺平了道路. The first was the development of our management software solution and the second was the introduction of network devices that were in fact computer operable with integrated transponders and remote-control capabilities. These two projects came together to bring about the first truly intelligent network technology, and it remains as the foundation for modern 智能网络 that many of our customers have today.

AP:其他HFC设备供应商也开始开发类似的解决方案, were all developments based on standard communication protocols such as IP (Internet Protocol)?

马蒂:不完全是, actually many vendors in the business used their own proprietary protocols to send and receive data within networks, while we at 电话este made the decision to adopt IP-technology as the principal communications protocol for its network technology. 这一决定最终被证明是正确的,并带来了回报. 


Matti: The incentives for adopting 电话este’s intelligent solutions were quickly evident to the European cable industry. 例如, an individual gain adjustment had typically required up to 2-3 hours work from a technician, 包括卡车滚, 但现在可以在几分钟内远程完成手术. The technology made it possible for cable operators to reduce the mean time to repair network issues and it had the potential to decrease the field operating expenses to a fraction.

操作人员现在可以远程主动完成大部分工作, and preventive maintenance started to play a significant role in improving operational efficiency and increasing service reliability and uptime. 扩展到整个网络级别, the intelligent technology took an essential role in reducing operational costs in the networks while keeping the end-users satisfied.


AP: We have discussed developments taking place already before the millennium but what has happened after the millennium?

马蒂:从21世纪初开始, 泰莱斯特进一步发展了硬件, 实践, 并拥有行业领先的管理软件. 而不是在网络运营中心的角落里使用个人电脑, technicians can access and manage the network on laptops or android-based mobile devices regardless of location.

十大可靠彩票平台也是第一家将无线BT技术引入HFC产品组合的公司. 这使十大可靠彩票平台能够减轻客户技术人员在现场的工作, as, 连接设备的BT加密狗, they were now able to remotely check the status of the device and fine-tune its signal from the comfort of their car.

在2010年代后期, 智能网络 technology evolved to meet the industry’s growing needs for increased energy efficiency. 今天, 现代电缆社会强调环境因素, and the 智能网络 technology answers the requirements by helping operators reduce the total network 电力消耗 by up to 20%.


AP: Thanks Matti, it is always interesting to hear about the origins of particular technologies.  在你看来,地平线上有什么样的发展在等待着十大可靠彩票平台?

马蒂:除了硬件, 电话este’s software development has played a pivotal role in the evolution of intelligent networks. 十大可靠彩票平台与实际使用它的技术人员一起开发了UI, 我可以自豪地说,它是目前市场上最好的! Integration of the spatial view for mobile devices is something I am personally looking forward to next.

The increased need for cybersecurity is also something that will undoubtedly shape the industry going forward. The thing to solve there is how to implement layers of security without adding to the administrative burden, 电力消耗, 然后是运营费用.

我还认为先进的自动化是关键的下一步. The future will lean into distributed access architecture network solutions which will enable more cost-efficient development of increasingly smart and powerful networks. 智能和自动化将达到一个新的水平, and it is quite evident that machine-learning and artificial intelligence will play a role in how networks are maintained and especially how energy efficiency will be optimised to enable further operational savings. 

AP:作为产品经理, 马蒂·苏西 was a pioneer in introducing network management solutions for operators at the beginning of the 2000s. What started as basic software with a graphical interface has evolved into a highly sophisticated and intuitive management software suite with advanced features such as spatial map view that provide network technicians with easy-to-use tools to inspect and adjust individual network devices.

Matti: It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to work for 电话este for over four decades.  I am proud to have been a part of pioneering modern Intelligent Network technology into the form it is in today. 我对电话este管理软件的开发尤其感到自豪, 在这个行业里哪个是最好的. I am confident that the team’s passion for driving the industry forward will ensure that the company’s 智能网络 offering remains industry-leading for many years ahead. 我在泰拉斯特的长期任期结束了, but I am very much looking forward to following industry developments from the comfort of retirement.


Arttu Purmonen

Arttu Purmonen

我于1997年加入电话este,负责设计视频处理和数据传输产品. 我做过工程师, 项目经理, product manager and business director but understanding customer perspective has always motivated me. It brought me to be responsible for system and technical marketing where my internal driving force and former experience can party together. 看到 我的人际关系网.

Arttu Purmonen - 电话este

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